Exclusive format of website advertisement

Website branding is a distinctive advertising format that surrounds the content of a website. Technically, two formats need to be supplied – desktop and mobile – for viewing on different devices.

Send us the URL where the visitor should land on your website together with the visuals, please.


Website branding – desktop

Size: 1920 x 1200 px (background picture); format: jpg, png, gif, HTML5; data size: up to 500 kB

The key message needs to be placed in a dark orange 1484 x 900 area with a 1164 x 700 web page cutout. The space outside the key message only includes a colored background or photo – see drawing:


Website branding – mobile (mobile interscroller)

Size: 480 x 820 px (w x h); formát: jpg, png, gif, HTML5; data size: up to 150 kB